Gray's Grist Mill Store


Meet The New Miller

The History of Grays Grist MillHi everyone. I am the new miller, George Whitley, here at Gray’s Grist Mill. Actually, I started on July 1, 2015, but since this my first blog, I am still new!

I was trained last June by the previous miller, Thornton Simmons, and took over when he retired. I am grateful for his guidance. Milling is not something that is generally taught anymore. It is learned hands-on through trial and error and experience. It is not really a job, it is more of a calling.

Currently, this is a one-man show. I pick up our Jonnycake Corn from our farmer, bring it back to the mill, inspect it and the freeze it until just before grinding. I grind it, bag it, package and store it. I market it, sell it and deliver it. I go out to find new retail customers –boutique and gift stores, restaurants, and specialty food markets . I handle the mail order and shipping. I run the social media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. – and now, blogging. I also maintain the equipment – the motors and mechanical and dressing of the stones. I also conduct tours of the mill – a true working museum. And I love it all.

You may have noticed a lot of “I’s, but this is not about me. This is about a very special place, Gray’s Grist Mill, and the even more special and rare corn that is Gray’s Jonnycake Meal. I will be talking more about both soon. Please follow us here and on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

And please visit the mill and say hi!

2 Responses

  1. Lu Yoder says:

    Hi George, It’s Lu Yoder. I received your phone message. How is Thursday morning at 8:30 am at the grist mill? My email is [email protected]. I look forward to checking out the mill! lu

  2. Darcy H. Lee says:

    Hi George, Thank you for the bag of Jonnycake mix. What a treat! My nephew is now covering the Acushnet Market as I am busy with others and my new role as Director of Development at the Women’s Fund of SEMA. Hope to see you soon. Again, thank you! Darcy, The Boston Brown Bread in a Can Baking Company.

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