Coffee, Cook Books & More from Gray's Grist Mill
Grays Grist Mill Products
Grays Grist Mill Cookbooks
Grays Grist Mill Wholesale Customers
jonnycake-cookbook.jpg The Jonnycake Cookbook

Presented by The Society for the Propagation of the Jonnycake Tradition in Rhode Island Over 100 traditional and local recipes using Gray’s Grist Meal Jonnycake Meal.

Contains recipes for Jonnycakes, cornbreads, assorted breads, pancakes, puddings, cookies, desserts and more.

BlueHeron Blue Heron Coffee

Organic Dark Roast fair trade coffee from the Kajunas area of East Java. Has chocolate, bitter-sweet characteristics and heavy sweetness one associates with Indonesian coffee. Low acidity. The Miller's favorite. 12 oz. bag.

TwoGeese Two Geese Coffee

Organic Medium Roast fair trade coffee from Northeastern Peru. Spicy, floral sweet, nippy acidity, full creamy body and well-balanced cup. 12 oz. bag.

TheOsprey The Osprey Coffee

The Osprey is Smithsonian Migratory Bird certified, as well as certified organic and fair trade. this light roast coffee is mildly flavored and bodied. the cup is soft and balanced with a light acidity and citrus fruity flavor. 12 oz. bag.

WhiteEgret White Egret Coffee

Decaffeinated coffee from the Kajunas area in East Java. This organic coffee has body, chocolate-sweet characteristics and low acidity. 12 oz. bag.

RhodeIslandMapleSyrup Rhode Island Maple Syrup

100% pure Rhode Island Maple Syrup from Charlie's Sugarhouse. Amber color, smooth flavor. No additives.